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Coronavirus Outreach Information Regarding Township Services

March 17, 2020


Due to the extraordinary conditions surrounding the COVID-19 virus in this National State of Emergency and the advice of Federal and State Health officials, the Township is taking the following steps to protect the general public, as well as our employees, by limiting public personal contact as much as possible. Be assured the Township will continue to provide all services as normal with little or no interruptions as long as our staff remains healthy to do so, which is part of the reason for these steps to ensure that we can continue to keep your Township services functioning, so that we can continue to serve our residents, especially for emergency situations. The following policies are being implemented until April 1, 2020:


Thank you for your cooperation understanding during this time and we apologize for any inconvenience that may occur.  Please contact the Township Manager with any questions or concerns:  Tyler Linck, Township Manager, 100 Municipal Road, Washington, PA 15301. 724-884-0118 or

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